- Institución:
- American College of Sports Medicine
- Representante:
- Heather Turner
- Ciudad:
- Whatsapp:
- Correo electrónico:
- hturner@acsm.org
American College of Sports Medicine
1. Principales Actividades
- ¿Su institución forma parte de alguna otra Red Nacional de Actividad Física además de la RAFAPANA?
- No
- ¿Su institución participó en la última reunión de la RAFA?
- si
- ¿Su institución tiene conocimiento del plan estratégico de RAFA?
- si
- ¿Ha usado este lan estratégico para elaborar las acciones de promoción de Actividad Fisica?
- si
- ¿En promedio, cuántas veces al año usted visita el sitio de la RAFA/PANA en Internet?
- 10
2. Abogacia
- ¿Su institución realizó reuniones u otras actividades para buscar alianzas o lograr acciones de promoción de actividad física, tales como discusión de políticas, alianzas con autoridades, entidades de Salud Pública, Sociedad Civil?
- Exercise is Medicine®- ACSM is leading efforts to advance Exercise is Medicine®, a global initiative designed to encourage patients to incorporate physical activity and exercise into their daily routine. Exercise is Medicine® calls on physicians and other health care providers to prescribe exercise to their patients. The goal is to make physical activity and exercise a standard part of a disease prevention and treatment medical paradigm. The program aims to have physical activity to be considered by all healthcare providers as a vital sign in every patient visit, and to ensure that patients are effectively counseled and referred to their physical activity and health needs, thus leading to overall improvement in the public’s health and long-term reduction in healthcare cost. 2021 World Congress on Exercise Medicine® was held as part of the 2021 ACSM Annual Meeting and World Congresses which was held virtually June 1-5, 2021. ACSM American Fitness Index Initiative- ACSM manages the American Fitness Index. The program monitors, measures, and motivates communities around the United States in their efforts to lead more active and healthy lifestyles. In July 2021, AFI released its 14th annual report with this year’s report ranking America’s 100 largest cities using more than 30 health behaviors, including those related to physical activity. Support of Legislation- ACSM’s Policy Center regularly interacts with legislators proposing legislation related to physical activity and mobilizes ACSM members to express their support for the initiatives. In June 2021, ACSM hosted a virtual Capitol Hill Day in which ACSM members met with legislators to advocate for policies in support of increasing physical activity and wellbeing of Americans.
3. Movilización Social
Incluye la organización de Eventos Comunitarios (mega-eventos, campañas, acciones permanentes). *POR FAVOR NO INCLUYA EVENTOS DEL DíA MUNDIAL DE LA ACTIVIDAD FISICA, ESTOS SERAN REGISTRADOS EN UNA SECCIÓN SEPARADA. Registre sus eventos en los espacios abajo.
Evento 1
- Tipo de evento
- deporte en grupo
- Objetivo
- 2021 Gisolfi Virtual 5K Walk, Run and Roll- ACSM organized its second virtual 5K event. ACSM members, their friends and family, were invited to participate in this event over the course of several weeks prior to and concluding with the 2021 ACSM Annual Meeting and World Congresses. Individuals participated in a 5K on their own and uploaded results to a central reporting page. Marketing materials encouraged participation and physical activity. More than 420 people participated.
- Población alcanzada
- adultos
- En caso afirmativo, por favor, cite cuál es la agenda propuesta.
- See description above.
Evento 2
- Tipo de evento
- campaña publicitaria
- Objetivo
- COVID-19 Resources: ACSM continues to curate a dedicated website landing page with information and resources to assist members and the general public with staying active during the ongoing pandemic. Specific resources include: «Tips for Staying Active at Home,» «Reopening and Return to Sport Resources,» «Exercise Professional Resources,» and «COVID-19 Resources from Exercise is Medicine» among others. Marketing campaigns via email and social media continue to be implemented to promote the new resources to ACSM members, certified professionals and the public.
- Población alcanzada
- adultos
- En caso afirmativo, por favor, cite cuál es la agenda propuesta.
- The website with complete resources and information can be viewed at- https://www.acsm.org/learn-develop-professionally/covid-19-updates-resources
Evento 3
- Tipo de evento
- Objetivo
- Población alcanzada
- En caso afirmativo, por favor, cite cuál es la agenda propuesta.
4. Trabajo Intersectorial
4.1. Mencione abajo las alianzas establecidas y vigentes por su institución con otros sectores/organizaciones clave:
Alianza 1
- Nombre de la institución y sector al que pertenece de la alianza realizada
- Policy Initiatives / US Physical Activity Plan
- Sector
- sociedad civil
- Gobierno
- Salud
- Cite cuál es la agenda propuesta
- ACSM continues to promote physical activity and reversing physical inactivity through policy solutions. ACSM’s leadership role assisted in the development of a comprehensive plan of action that serves as the blueprint for ACSM’s collaborative leadership in the policy arena. In addition, ACSM continues to play a leadership role with the current «US National Physical Activity Plan» with ACSM Immediate Past President Dr. NiCole Keith serving as Vice Chair of the Board of Directors. ACSM’s Key Contact Network of members plays a direct role in helping to educate policymakers and policies that support ACSM’s strategic priorities, which include promoting physical activity.
- ¿Logró algún tipo de apoyo financiero para ejecutar actividades de promoción, capacitación y/o evaluación en Actividad Fisica?
- no
Alianza 2
- Nombre de la institución y sector al que pertenece de la alianza realizada
- Sector
- Gobierno
- Cite cuál es la agenda propuesta
- ¿Logró algún tipo de apoyo financiero para ejecutar actividades de promoción, capacitación y/o evaluación en Actividad Fisica?
Alianza 3
- Nombre de la institución y sector al que pertenece de la alianza realizada
- Sector
- Gobierno
- Cite cuál es la agenda propuesta
- ¿Logró algún tipo de apoyo financiero para ejecutar actividades de promoción, capacitación y/o evaluación en Actividad Fisica?
5. Actividades de Capacitación
5.1. Describir brevemente las principales actividades de formación profesional realizadas por su institución:
Capacitación 1
- En caso afirmativo por favor describir brevemente
- The 2021 ACSM Annual Meeting and World Congresses event was held as a virtual meeting on June 1-5, 2021. The event included more than 200 hours of educational exercise science and sports medicine content.
- Tipo de Capacitación
- Conferencia
- Descripición de la capacitación y población capacitada
- For the in-person ACSM Annual Meeting and World Congresses, attendees from more than 70 disciplines come together from around the globe to share new clinical techniques, scientific advancements, and cutting-edge research in sports medicine, exercise science, physical activity and public health. This year’s event catered to the same audience but via an online format. Content is available for purchase by those not originally registered for the meeting through ACSM’s publishing partner, WoltersKluwer.
- Cantidad de personas alcanzadas
- 4000
- Cite cuál es la agenda propuesta
- See description above.
Capacitación 2
- En caso afirmativo por favor describir brevemente
- The 2021 ACSM International Health & Fitness Summit was held as a virtual meeting April 7-11, 2021.
- Tipo de Capacitación
- Conferencia
- Descripición de la capacitación y población capacitada
- ACSM’s signature fitness conference provides a full spectrum of programming from scientific to practical application. Attendees include: Health Fitness Professionals, Personal Trainers, Students, Club Owners/Managers, Health Care Professionals, Fitness/Wellness Directors, Educators/Faculty and Exercise Physiologists.
- Cantidad de personas alcanzadas
- 1000
- Cite cuál es la agenda propuesta
- See description above.
Capacitación 3
- En caso afirmativo por favor describir brevemente
- ACSM Certification
- Tipo de Capacitación
- Talleres
- Descripición de la capacitación y población capacitada
- The ACSM Certification Board’s (CCRB) mission is to develop, maintain, and administer accredited certification programs and provide top-quality opportunities for lifelong career development. In addition, ACSM CCRB’s vision is to position health fitness professionals as an essential member of the health care continuum by being the global leader in credentialing, continuing competence, and ethics. To fulfill ACSM CCRB’s mission and vision, ACSM has partnered with Pearson VUE, an unsurpassed testing network with over 5,600 locations across 190 countries and US military bases around the world. In addition, ACSM has authorized a select group of world-class education institutions to administer ACSM’s educational programs. These premier institutions meet or exceed ACSM’s quality standards.
- Cantidad de personas alcanzadas
- 36396
- Cite cuál es la agenda propuesta
- See above description. For clarification, currently there are 36,396 ACSM certified professionals globally.
5.2. Cite algunos especialistas que podrían participar en capacitaciones futuras:
Especialista 1
- Nombre
- None at this time. Please contact ACSM should specific needs arise.
- Campo de conocimiento
- E-mail de contacto
- Formación profesional
Especialista 2
- Nombre
- Campo de conocimiento
- E-mail de contacto
- Formación profesional
Especialista 3
- Nombre
- Campo de conocimiento
- E-mail de contacto
- Formación profesional
6. Evaluación y Investigación
- ¿Su institución realizó algún tipo de evaluación de proceso o de impacto relacionada con su programa?
- Yes- ACSM conducts evaluation of all of our meetings. In addition, all of the ACSM partner programs are regularly reviewed and evaluated in terms of outcomes as they relate to ACSM’s Strategic Plan, which includes promotion of physical activity.
- ¿En su Ciudad, Estado o País se hizo alguna encuesta sobre Actividad Física?
- Yes, please see information above regarding ACSM’s American Fitness Index.
- ¿Su institución fue mencionada en algún medio de comunicación?
- ACSM meetings, programs and research were covered widely through a variety of national and international media outlets including print, internet, and television. Topics covered ranged greatly and represented many aspects of sports medicine and exercise science. In addition, ACSM’s social media outreach was robust with 540,642 followers across our platforms resulting in ~21.7 million impressions.
- ¿Su Institución participó en el Día Mundial de la Actividad Física?
- No
- Detalle abajo lo que se está haciendo en su país para que se cumplan las políticas públicas de deporte ya existentes.
- ACSM is directly involved with The National Youth Sports Health & Safety Institute which is dedicated to being the recognized leader and advocate for advancing and disseminating the latest research and evidence-based education, recommendations, and policy to enhance the experience, development, health and safety of our youth in sports.
- Cite abajo las principales dificultades en la promoción de la Actividad Física en su país que impiden que las políticas públicas sean establecidas y cumplidas.
- A main difficulty continues to be developing programs that impact the general public, especially as various public policies are ever-evolving.
- Sugerencias para la contribución de RAFA en la promoción de Actividad Fisica en su localidad, región o país.
- ACSM values our relationship with RAFA and our partnership with RAFA organizations / countries to develop strategies to combat physical inactivity and obesity that are successful across the globe. We encourage the continued efforts of RAFA to connect organizations so that they may share information and work together on common goals related to the RAFA strategic plan and promotion of physical activity. As ACSM moves forward with physical activity promotion efforts, we will value these connections.
- Cite otros datos o aportes relevantes que quiera aportar.
- No additional information to report at this time.